Games & Sports
"A sound mind is a sound body" - this is the adage our school ardently follows. Hence physical training and participation in games are compulsory for all students. Facilities for various indoor and outdoor games are available. All students are encouraged to participate and excel in sports activities starting at the Inter-house level to the State-level. The aim is to inculcate the spirit of true sportsmanship in them.
Recognizing the need for self control and for students to have a supple body and nimble mind, Yoga is taught as a part of the curriculum for all students

Scounts, Guides & NCC
Our students are trained in Bharath Scouts, Guides, Bulculs, Cubs and the NCC. The main objective is to prepare the studens for physical and mental discipline, to become physically strong, to be mentally awake and morally upright. Regular classes are held on specific days fo the week, before or after the school hours.
Hobby Clubs
We have the Humanities, Science and ECO clubs at the school. These clubs aim at developing the interests of the students in these fields while exposing them to the changing trends
Fine Arts and Sports Club
The school provides the forum to train the students in Bharatanatyam, Carnatic Vocal Music, Karate, Table Tennis, Basket Ball and Cricket. The training is imparted by professions after the school hours on specific days, on payment of prescribed fee.