School begins in the morning with an assembly in the school playground, prayer and latest news read out by one of the students, followed by national anthem before proceeding to their respective classes.
School Assembly
School Timetable
School Timings
The school working hours are as follows:
LKG & UKG - Monday to Friday - 8.15 AM to 12.30 PM
STD I to STD IV - Monday to Friday - 8.15 AM to 3.00 PM
STD V to STD X - Monday to Friday -8.15 AM to 3.00 PM
Note: 1. All the Saturdays are holidays for LKG to STD IV.
2. 2nd and 4th Saturdays are holidays for STD V to STD X.
Office Hours
School Admissions
Registration & Registration & Admission to our school are primarily at the entry level of Lower Kindergarten for children who are between 3 Years 6 Months and 4 years and 6 Months of age.
Registration and Admission to all other classes will be made against specific notification, if seats are available. The actual dates will be notified on the Website and School Notice Board.
School Uniform
School uniform patterns and regulations should be strictly observed by the students & parents.
It is necessary to emphasize that parents and the school are jointly responsible in the meaningful upbringing of a student. Without the parents and the school working in harmony, there cannot be a satisfactory progress in the all-round education of a student.
Parents are requested to come to school to verify the progress and performance of their wards. They are requested to attend all the meetings intimated to them from time to time for a better understanding and freer interaction with the school teacher with regard to their wards.
A seperate section in the wards school diary is provided to communicate with the teacher. In case of a face to face meeting with the teacher, visiting hours for parents are every 1st & 3rd Saturday of the Monthbetween 10.00 am to 12.30 p.m only with prior appointment through a diary note.
School & Van Fees
Tuition Fees
Tuition fees should be paid in the first month of every quarter. Parents are requested to strictly adhere to this schedule. If the tuition fee is paid after 15th, tution fees along with a fine amount will be collected.
Fee payment schedule
Payment Month
Fee Description
Pay Before
Re-Admission + 1st Quarter Fees
25th April
2nd Quarter Fees
15th August
3rd Quarter Fees
15th November
4th Quarter Fees
15th February
Tuition fee should be paid in the first month of every quarter. Parents are requested to strictly adhere to this schedule. Fee for the month of May, June and July should be paid together with the renewal fee. If the tuition fee is not paid before the 15th of the first month of the quarter, a fine will be levied.
All transactions involving financial matters should be made with the school office directly and valid receipts obtained. Financial transactions should not be made directly with any of the staff members.
Van Fees
School van service is provided for students desirous of availing the facility. Consideration is given to those, who have applied for it on a first-come first-served basis within the city limits. There will not be any change in the routes. Parents are requested to confirm the routes before applying for the facility. Van fee should be paid on or before 15th of the first month of the quarter.
All types of fees should be paid only through the ejkv portal.
Leave and Absence from School
A List of holidays is published on the website and also available on the school diary to help parents to plan holidays. No student shall be taken out on vacations when the school is functioning.
No student shall abstain from school without valid reasons. A note from the parent should be submitted to the principal/class teacher seeking permission to be absent. If the student is unwell, request from the parents should be supported with a medical certificate.
The name of student, who remain absent from school for long periods without valid saction will be struck off from the rolls.
It is mandatory for all students to be present in the school on the Opening day of school.